How do you earn backlinks? 7 ways to earn backlink.

You've probably heard that getting backlinks is the key to ranking high in Google's search engine. But what are backlinks, and how can you get them? Here are ten ways to get more backlinks on your site:

1. Add a blog to your site.

A blog is a great way to get backlinks, but it's also a great way to build a relationship with your audience and build your personal brand. It's a great way to build authority around your industry, and it's also an opportunity for you to share your knowledge with others.

You can choose from several free blogging platforms like Blogger or WordPress (which we use here at HubSpot), or if you're looking for something more robust, there are plenty of options that charge for hosting services.

2. Write a guest post.

Guest posts are one of the most effective ways to get backlinks.

If you write a guest post for another site and their readers like it, they will share it on social media and link to your site in the bio section. This means that when people click on your link, they'll be taken directly to your site—which is exactly what you want!

It's important that you write for sites that are relevant to both where your business is at currently, as well as where it needs to go in the future. For example: if I were looking for guest post opportunities, I would look for sites about small businesses or entrepreneurship since this is my area of expertise and what I am trying to grow into (even though right now I'm pretty small).

3. Comment on other blogs.

Commenting on blogs that are relevant to your niche is a great way to get backlinks.

Here's what you should do:

  • Comment on blogs that are not too far away from your niche (like tech and gaming) but they're not so close either (like tech and fashion).
  • Don't comment on blogs that are too big (like TechCrunch). It's better if you can find smaller ones in the same industry or field like Engadget or even some blog posts from these sites. Doing this will give you more opportunities for backlinks because there are usually fewer comments by other bloggers compared to bigger sites.

4. Create something of value.

Creating something of value for the reader is a pretty straightforward process. It's about creating content that's worth reading and sharing. If you can't see yourself or your audience finding value in what you've written, then it's not going to be easy for others to find value in it either. Look at what other people are writing on similar topics as yours, and think about how you can add something new to the conversation. The more unique your content is, the better chance it has at becoming popular online.

5. Find link-worthy blogs using Google search.

One of the best ways to find blogs that you can get backlinks from is simply just using Google search. You can use this technique for finding backlink opportunities on both a large scale, and on a more specific level.

Here are some things you can do:

  • Use the search operator "link:" followed by your keyword or phrase; this will show results of all pages containing links to other sites with that keyword/phrase in it. Then click "Links" next to one of those results and go through each site shown there until you find something worth linking to (you'll know when you see it).
  • Use "link:" followed by your competitor's name or URL; this will show you which sites have linked out to pages related to them. These may be useful places where your site could earn some valuable incoming links as well!
  • Use “link:” followed by a topic-specific keyword; this will reveal blogs discussing similar topics (or possibly ones who have already linked out). Use these same techniques for finding sites relevant for any type of keywords—just replace “topic” with another word!

6. Find link-worthy blogs using Twitter and Facebook.

Finding relevant blogs to link to you is a great way to get more backlinks. There are many tools and strategies for finding these blogs, but one of the easiest ways is through your social media followings.

  • Use Twitter’s search function or TweetDeck to find bloggers with similar interests as you and create lists of those users on Twitter. You can also use Followerwonk, an add-on for Twitter that lets you see who follows specific accounts (including yours).
  • Use Facebook’s Graph Search tool and Fan Page insights tool to find and interact with influencers in your niche who may want to link back to you in exchange for some free exposure on their own pages/blogs

7. Get content that people naturally want to link to

The most important way to get backlinks is to have great content that people naturally want to link to.

To put it another way: if you create amazing, valuable, shareable, linkable and searchable content, then you'll be able to get backlinks.

There are other ways out there to get backlinks but these 7 methods really work! If you follow these steps, I promise your blog will start ranking higher on Google search results pages (SERPs) in no time at all!